Passing by the Vienna Staats Oper
Photography: Wonge Bergmann, 2012
Photography: Wonge Bergmann, 2012
Photography: Wonge Bergmann, 2012
She's singing Musetta's aria from Puchini's opera La Boheme:
Quando men vo soletta per la via,
When I walk all alone in the street
Photography: Sophie Kim, 2012
La gente sosta e mira
People stop and Stare at me
Photography: Wonge Bergmann, 2012
Has never seen teeth quite like this!!
E la bellezza mia tutta ricerca in me
And look for my whole beauty
Da capo a pie'...
From head to feet
Photography: Wonge Bergmann, 2012
E la bellezza mia tutta ricerca in me
And look for my whole beauty
Da capo a pie'...
From head to feet
This guy is a dentist. He has never seen teeth this big!
Photography: Wonge Bergmann, 2012
E dai palesi vezzi intender sa
and which is able to perceive from manifest charms
Alle occulte beltà.
to most hidden beauties.
Photography: Wonge Bergmann, 2012
Così l'effluvio del desìo
So the scent of desire is all around me.
Photography: Wonge Bergmann, 2012
tutta m'aggira, Felice mi fa!
It makes me happy!
Photography: Wonge Bergmann, 2012
E tu che sai, che memori e ti struggi
And you, while knowing, reminding and longing,
Da me tanto rifuggi?
you shrink from me?
Photography: Wonge Bergmann, 2012
So ben:
I know it very well:
le angoscie tue non le vuoi dir,
you don't want to express your anguish
Photography: Wonge Bergmann, 2012
Ma ti senti morir!
but you feel as if you're dying!
Translated by Giuseppe Cusmano
Photography: Wonge Bergmann, 2012
Photograohy: Sonja from MUSA, 2012
Photography: Sophie Kim, 2012
Photography: Sophie Kim, 2012
Photography: Sophie Kim, 2012
Materials: Styrofoam, aqua resin, plastic, fabric, silicon rubber, 68 x 63 x 118″ 2012
Materials: Styrofoam, aqua resin, plastic, fabric, silicon rubber, 68 x 63 x 118″ 2012
Materials: Styrofoam, aqua resin, plastic, fabric, silicon rubber, 68 x 63 x 118″ 2012
Materials: Styrofoam, aqua resin, plastic, fabric, silicon rubber, 68 x 63 x 118″ 2012