THe SOnder Institute

This past summer Clarina together with her partner Miles Pittman and Mike Stillhard created a social public art experiment in Aeugst am Albis, Switzerland. How can we inspire people, especially after a time of pandemic, to engage in conversation with strangers in the street. The supposition was: What happens when people on their daily walk come upon something completely unexpected? When there is now explanation to be found anywhere on line, people resort to asking random passer byes. With 170 finely crafted porcelain sculptures placed in the landscape and mysterious creatures appearing, locals were challenged to come up with answers to these unexplained events.

Then, the Comfort Zone Expansion Tour was created for the exhilarating experience of getting out of one’s comfort zone in a supportive group setting. What transpired was a cathartic and empowering social project.

Gloria, the old soothsayer is sharing her wisdom on the troubles of wanting to control too much and hands out a talisman for protection and growth of awareness.


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